viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Bizarro 2.0 dublin

Amigos Bizarros ahi va el programa de la labor bizarra en Dublin, un gran equipo de bizarros dublineses y afincados que se rebrincan como si de rodrocs se tratase para homenajear a Cagon & Crista sin saberlo,(Conectara en Directo totalmente de matute para interrumpir la sesion con una de sus liricas de su ultimo sencillo: tres troncazos; "melancolic spare") cada vez mas esta bola de fuego plastico llamado bizarro 2.0 toca a mas y mas gente, lo tengo que incluir en mi trabajo de investigacion sobre las tecno redes mixtas intersistemicas.

Se daran cita de manera condensada diferentes conferenciantes que desde prismas distintos hablaran del plastico y la musica, ademas todo ira en el soporte de radio groovalizacion bizarro:

" Groovalizacion Radio, the multlingual global urban radio will be broadcasting live from the Bizarro 2.0 Dublin event. Experimental music, future sound effects and cosmic presenters will take control of the digital radio waves to create an original "bizarro" soundtrack and reinvent the traditional radio formats. The audience, the speakers, the artists, the public and the whole bizarro crew will be involved in this project".

Tendra lugar en directo:
BIO Project- Concierto Bizarro de Hip Hop: 3rd World records is a West African & Irish collaboration creating a universal sound of Hip-Hop with no limitations or boundries, in a modern way but completely different and exceptional to HIP-HOP America.

This is 3rd World Republican Hip-Hop. Listen2Know. Each One, Teach One

Established in 2005, 3rd World Records is a revolutionary recording label that traverses two continents, Africa and Europe.

The evidence is bountiful, Teekay Da Newborn and #Ashman teamed up in 2002 joined by Dj 'Dutchi' (Official Music Of Black Origin Awards DJ)and from there went on to create a unique and uncommon sound perfected to this day.
Crowned Miller Strat Band Of The Year in 2006, and in 2009 reached the semi final of the All Ireland Talent show which earned them and the company reputable amount of followers nationally. In 2010 '3rd World' was nominated 'Best Upcoming Talent' by the Meteor Music Awards, Ireland.

Fundamentally driven by the ?Each One, Teach One" philosophy we take great pride in sharing the knowledge of life with mankind everywhere!

(Mano a mano)
Conferencia de Peppe: Quimico investigador " microencapsulado de aromas, plastico - vinilo" Sesion demostrativa de scratch a cargo de Dutchi y conferencia paralela sobre el formato vinilo y la tecnica Scratch

Moderadora Rosin Grif.: Hilo conductor de las desbocadas acciones bizarras en dublin.

Fotos Bizarras, Nohema Aparicio:

Bizarre and the art project

The art initiative as part of Bizarro.2.0 which also is connected to other series of events occurring during a few week period, liked with the SOS festival. Is based on an interactive photo exhibition where the main characters will be unknown people photograph with a same background holding different images and messages.
The principle idea of the photo-art theme is to involved random and potential public to attend to the various events.
Different activities are running in conjunction to create this unique Bizarre project, as the set up of a radio station, documentaries, talks, music, Dj sets, performance and art.

What does Bizarro mean to me?

We are all Bizarro, is the street where we walk everyday, is the hard working class making a different with their smile in an schedule life, the images of a city surrender by people who want to change the world, the weirdoes catalogued by crazy when they just try to be exclusive and special, those ones who do not want to be compare or imitate, those artist who through their form of expression make life less simple and a bit more complicated for the enjoyment of a less monotonous existence.
Thanks Bizarre for the diversion and diversity, the excitement and the exuberating, the ray of light and the colourful scene derivate from each of us.

Presentacion del Libro Psico-Bunker
Performance Susan B: cantará en galeico con un Burca mientras la bailarina polaca Monica Bieniek trabajará movimientos IDM Bunkerizados (durante la proyección de las imagenes del Libro)

Bizarro 2.0 dublin Primero se exhibira en D-Light Studios Un antiguo almacen de pintura reconvertido en un centro de arte urbano en una zona de flats de Dublin
continuando el show Bizarro en EL ROOM dentro del Andrews Lane Theatre noches mas intensas de la capital de la Republica de Irlanda, con sets de Djs Ciberneticos, sonidos sabrosos y sintetizadores en directo no faltara la pieza "el castigador ortomatico" SILLA ELECTRICA presidiendo las acciones de forma virtual..

Un cataclismo bizarro que sera la primera de las acciones para mi sesion discontinua del SOS. (No deja de ser canibal)

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