miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010


Supongo quye esta foto sacada por el skype, sera familiar, con las llaves del coche de alarma llamada clifford...
Esta noche DJ FASSMAN in a row to TURKS HEAD CLUB till late, Hernando's Hideaway also became a nickname for the smoking room for British parliamentarians in the House of Commons. The Labour Member of Parliament, Stephen Pound, told the House during a smoking debate on February 14, 2006: "I refer the House to the dystopic hell - 'Hernando's Hideaway' - that is the Smoking Room on the Library Corridor. It is like the Raft of the Medusa most nights, with great groups of people crammed into it." Se licua la leche evaporada con el resto de los ingredientes excepto el pollo. Y se cuela.Se calienta a fuego bajo, se tiene que retirar antes de que hierva.

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