domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010


En referencia a lo de los balcones os adjunto acerca del parkour,

The piano has been drinking, my necktie is asleep
El piano ha estado bebiendo, mi corbata está dormida

And the combo went back to New York, the jukebox has to take a leak
...y la banda volvió a Nueva York, el tocadiscos debe orinar...
And the carpet needs a haircut, and the spotlight looks like a prison break
...y a la alfombra le falta un corte de pelo, el foco me recuerda a una fuga...
And the telephone's out of cigarettes, and the balcony is on the make
...el teléfono inundado de colillas, y el balcón por el mismo camino...
And the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking...
Y el piano ha bebido, el piano ha bebido...

And the menus are all freezing, and the light man's blind in one eye
Los menús congelados, el de las luces está tuerto...
And he can't see out of the other
...y no puede ver al otro
And the piano-tuner's got a hearing aid, and he showed up with his mother
...y el afina-pianos va con audífono, y se trajo aquí a su madre...
And the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking
..y el piano es que me bebe, el piano ha bebido
As the bouncer is a Sumo wrestler cream-puff casper milktoast
Como el gorila es un bollo de crema calvo luchador de sumo,
And the owner is a mental midget with the I.Q. of a fence post
...y el dueño es un enano mental con el coeficiente de un poste.
'Cause the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking...
Porque el piano ha bebido, el piano ha bebido...

And you can't find your waitress with a Geiger counter
Y encuentras a la camarera ni con un detector Geiger
And she hates you and your friends and you just can't get served without her
...y ella os odia a tí y a tus amigos, y no te sirven nada sin ella
And the box-office is drooling, and the bar stools are on fire
Y la taquilla babea, y los taburetes arden
And the newspapers were fooling, and the ash-trays have retired
Y los periódicos engañan, los ceniceros jubilados...
'Cause the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking
Porque el piano ha bebido, el piano ha bebido...
The piano has been drinking, not me, not me, not me, not me, not me
El piano... ha bebido... no yo... no yo... no yo... no yo... no yo...
... ni yo, ni yo.

Felices sueños,

(TOM WAITS, 1977)

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