jueves, 24 de enero de 2013


Hoy está resultando un día cojonudo, ver más allá, tener suerte en todo.

Encontrar el jeep de rescate de cuevas, aparcado en frente del banco dispara mi imaginación.

Qué tipo de rescate bajo el casco urbano se estará llevando a cabo?

Cave rescue is a highly specialized field of wilderness rescue in which injured, trapped or lost cave explorers are medically treated and extracted from various cave environments.
Cave rescue borrows elements from firefightingconfined space rescuerope rescue and mountaineering techniques but has also developed its own special techniques and skills for performing work in conditions that are almost always difficult and demanding. Since cave accidents, on an absolute scale, are a very limited form of incident, and cave rescue is a very specialized skill, normal emergency staff are rarely employed in the underground elements of the rescue. Instead, this is usually undertaken by other experienced cavers who undergo regular training through their organizations and are called up at need.

Cave rescues are slow, deliberate operations that require both a high level of organized teamwork and good communications. The extremes of the cave environment (air temperature, water, vertical depth) dictate every aspect of a cave rescue. Therefore the rescuers must adapt skills and techniques that are as dynamic as the environment they must operate in.
Los rescates en Cueva son operaciones lentas y deliberadas que requieren un alto nivel de trabajo en equipo organizado y buenas comunicaciones. Los extremos de la cueva entorno (temperatura del aire, el agua, la profundidad vertical) dictar cada aspecto de un rescate cueva. Por tanto, los rescatistas deben adaptar las capacidades y técnicas que son tan dinámicos como el entorno en el que debe operar pulg

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