domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011


Quien has dicho que soy?
El sabado a la 1 am.
en un mensaje delicado, de baile y violin, moviendonos juntos hasta que se acabe el amor, dejate llevar por la imaf=ginacion tumultuosa del tiempo=, estancado en el panico de las canciones de Leonard Cohen y las imagenes a traves del espacion con Bernard Shaw, liberate deOh, by the HIGGINS: […] Oh, by the way,
way, Eliza, order a ham and a Eliza, order a ham and a Stilton
Stilton cheese, will you? And buy cheese, will you?
me a pair of reindeer gloves, number And buy me a pair of reindeer
eights, and a tie to match that new gloves number eights, and a tie
suit of mine, at Eale & Binman’s. to match that new suit of mine.
You can choose the colour. You can choose the color.
(His cheerful, careless, vigorous voice (His cheerful, careless, vigorous
shows that he is incorrigible)
besos solitarios en una tormenta

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