viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013


Screw descubrió que al reducir dramáticamente el pitch de un disco se obtenía un sonido atemperado y poderoso que enfatizaba las letras hasta un punto cercano al storytelling. Tras perfeccionar la técnica, comenzó a publicar sesiones de larga duración llamadas "Screw Tapes". Al principio la música solo se conocía como "Screw music", limitándose su distribución al sur de Houston, y era vista como música para conducir tranquilamente. A medida que Screw fue ganando en popularidad comenzó a vender sus cintas por alrededor de 10$.

  Purple drank is a slang term for a recreational drug popular in the hip hop community in the southern United States, originating in Houston, Texas. Its main ingredient is prescription-strength cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine. Cough syrup is typically mixed with ingredients such as Sprite soft drink or Mountain Dew and pieces of Jolly Rancher candy. The purplish hue of purple drank comes from dyes in the cough syrup.
Houston, Texas producer DJ Screw popularized the concoction, which is widely attributed as a source of inspiration for the "chopped and screwed" style of hip hop music.Originally, the active ingredient of "syrup" was cough syrup containing promethazine and codeine. The concoction first gained popularity in the underground rap scene in Houston,where musician Big Hawk said it was consumed as early as the 1960s and 1970s, becoming more widespread in the early 1990s. Its use later spread to other southern states. Because of usage by rap artists in Houston, it became more popular in the 1990s.
Chopped and screwed (también conocido como screwed and chopped o slowed and throwed) se refiere a una técnica de remezclar música hip hop que se desarrolló en la escena de Houston de los años 1990. Consiste en disminuir el tempo hasta aproximadamente 60 - 70 BPM y aplicar técnicas como skipping beats, scratching, stop-time, y manipular tramos de la música para lograr una versión "chopped-up" de la original..

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